Bookkeeping is one of those necessary Evils! You have to get it done but you hate doing it. This is a great Example of how Shaw's Administrative Services can be an asset to your company. Let our experts complete your monthly bookkeeping tasks and keep you informed of your companies overall Financial Standing. Never guess on if it is OK to buy that needed equipment or if you are making a profit.
We can provide Full Charge Bookkeeping or Work alongside what you have established.
We can provide Full Charge Bookkeeping or Work alongside what you have established.
- Data Entry
- Reconciliation
- Reporting
- Expense Management
- Receipt Collection
- Bill Pay
- Payment Processing
- Payroll Setup
- Payroll Processing
- Payroll Reporting
Pricing is reasonable. We have monthly flat rates and hourly rates.
Call us TODAY to set up your appointment.
We are waiting on YOU!
Tax Season is Here!
Tax Season is Here!
IRS will start accepting Tax Returns on January 22nd. (**This may change**)
Things to keep in mind:
- Employers have until 1/31 to issue W2s/1099s.
- Keep an eye on your mail for Tax documents from Banks, Mortgage companies, Investment firms, Student loans, etc.
- Gather all Medical receipts
- Consider if your Withholdings need to be adjusted
Visit our website often for updates or visit http://www.irs.gov/.

Call TODAY for you appointment.
Allow us to put our years of experience to work for you. We promise to give you the best customer service, efficient tax return completion and a competitive price. Why pay for services at other Tax Preparers that we offer for FREE?
Need assistance pulling all of your documents together, request our FREE Checklist! It can be emailed or faxed to you. This checklist will assist you in having the needed documentation for your tax preparation appointment.
- Discount on Return Preparations for Educators
- Free E-file of Federal and State Returns
- No Charge for 1 State Return w/ Paid Federal Return
Certifications: PTIN Holder with IRS
Certifications: PTIN Holder with IRS